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Why have your clients stopped coming to you?..

Writer's picture: Alyra BeaumontAlyra Beaumont

So you've built a business for yourself, doing what you love.

You've healed the hurts, you've come through one of the most difficult times in your life and now you're on the path to healing others.

You have your therapy room, it's all decorated and looking beautiful, you've organised your accounts, you've built and created your store on the Therapy Hub and you're ready for clients!


where is everyone?

Where are the floods of people that need your services? (Because let's face it, everybody on this planet needs some I right!?) You've even started a brand new facebook page and yet, it seems nobody is interested right?!

Yes, unfortunately, nobody is interested....right now.

But that's not due to your lack of effort, or anything else to do with what you've currently created.

It's because you haven't decided on an clear advertising and marketing strategy or implemented any solid processes to generate a good clients list.

There's a common phrase that's used amongst new business starters, you may remember the quote from the movie "A field of Dreams?" -

"Build it and they will come."

Technically yes, they will come, by themselves, but not for many years and after you're well and firmly established within your niche, marketplace and local area.

Be kind to yourself and be patient.

It takes a long time to build a good solid reputation. It takes graft, consistency and hard work. If you've got what it takes, you'll soon begin to see results for yourself.

So, what is the best way to put together an advertising strategy?

This is the million-dollar question that consists of plenty of trial and error. With an abundance of ways to attract your ideal client, it's always good to see what suits you and your niche.

Look at your business as though it's your playtime and you'll never get bored of playing around with what works and what doesn't. At the end of the day, you're here to help people, so you must have a clear strong message and present it in a clear, strong way.

3 things you need to present your business.

1 - A clear message

2 - Your chosen advertising platform

3 - Your chosen marketing strategy.

Numero Uno - What is your message?

A tag line, A strap line, whatever you'd like to call it, you need one. This is going to be the reason people resonate with you and ultimately, the reason why they come to you. Be creative, imaginative and make it catchy! We all remember Macdonalds for that awful whistle, and we also remember the pocket tap from ASDA, so be bold, stand out and you're tribe and niche will begin to gravitate towards you.

Numero Dos - Advertising -

Consistency is the key here.

Print advertising solutions include Magazines, Newspapers, leaflets and posters.

Since the rise of social media, print advertising has become more appreciated FACT.

Sitting and reading a magazine is now seen as a ritual, downtime, and relaxing time. It's time to unwind and take a break from the hustle and bustle of today's super fast-paced dynamic of the internet.

Yes, our phones now take up more of our time than ever, so reading something you can hold in your hand and distract you from the gentle tortures of blue light or the constant stimulation is considered highly illustrious.

According to sfgnetwork,

"Readers increasingly connect with magazine brands across social media."

Across 240 magazine brands, the MPA Factbook calculated a total of 1.1 billion Instagram, Twitter and Facebook Page follows. While Facebook Pages took up nearly half (47%) of the overall share of social media follows, Instagram's share (29%) gained two percentage points compared to the previous year. Additionally, magazine brands on Instagram gained 24.5 million followers in the first quarter alone." - So there you have it, straight from the horses mouth.

They also go on to say -

"Magazine media brands see higher engagement on social media

In a comparison of engagement across magazine and non-magazine media brands, the report concluded that "magazine media brands are the original (and still most powerful) influencers." The social media engagement factor (calculated as the number of followers' social media actions per brand post) earned by magazine publishers on Instagram was 4,500, compared to just 2,604 for non-magazine brands."

Print and Online media have developed this wonderful symbiosis with thanks to the QR Code. We love to hate the QR code because we fear that someday this is how we will be identified...but for the here and now, it's a remarkable tool to use to boost engagement and collect those elusive clients!

Have you thought about what your advert would look like? If you don't see yourself as a great designer then you can hire someone to do it for you. After a short call, we will gather the information we need about your brand, what you do, your desired colours and voila...a beautiful print advert ready to be printed with your unique QR code.

But print media is so expensive?!

is it? Or is that just your perspective?

I mean when you really really want something you'll always find a way to buy it right? A new car, a new house, a new outfit...a few beers or wines at the weekend?

So let's look at some maths.

Let's say your services cost on average £40 per session and you really wanted to take a full page advert in the Midland Healers Magazine which costs £699.

That would mean the Magazine would have to bring you on average 16 new clients!

That's it, 16 new clients and then the magazine has paid for itself.

If you base that over a month then you're looking at 4 clients per week.

Your advert will be printed 40,000 times and span right across each corner of the East Midlands. For a magazine so specialised and niche specific, your target market is already reading your content and clicking through to your website or booking form. Those 16 clients will drift through without you even noticing.

Soon you'll see your business flourishing!

Check out our advertising packages below.

Numero Tres - Marketing? To be continued!

Add us to your social media by clicking these beautifully placed links...and purchase your advertising space...then contact me...

I'm Sam by the way and I'm looking forward to meeting you!

Namaste and have a great day!

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