Silencing and censoring is EVERYWHERE..Welcome to 1984!
It's official!
The restrictions on all mainstream social media platforms, especially targetting natural health and wellness companies, means that we're one step away from being on par with communist China.
But!..that's not why you've been summoned here today. In fact, I'll refrain from talking about politics at all, even though it seems to be the main topic in every conversation in our daily lives right now.
During Russell Brands internet extradition over the last week, and the inability to engage in anything online other than "did he" or "didn't he," We have been deceptively guided away from a new bill/law which has been sneaked through parliament and into the hands of Charles the Third, for Royal Assent.
What is this bill? I hear you say?
And how is it going to affect every single one of us Holistic therapists and Wellness Practitioners?
The Bill that has passed is the "Online safety Bill."
"Online Safety Bill passes its final Parliamentary debate and is now ready to become law." - Gov.uk
Now really, if we lived in a world where our Governments weren't part of a world wide agenda and consequently trying to kill us all, this new law would seem as innocent as childs play. However, it's said that the new bill will make the UK the "safest place in the world to be online," which includes the highest restrictions to protect children.
So what's really going on here?
The truth is, that the bill is written to be so vague, that its not specified exactly what will be censored. The internet is simply not a space for children, but they're adamant to emphasise that this bill IS to protect ALL children from the dangers of society.
(Isn't it funny how they can't protect children from being stolen from the streets and trafficked into the Pedophilia rings that are lead and controlled by members of parliament and higher powers themselves.?!)
The bill is actually written in such a way, that it implies that WE, the general public do not possess the mental capacity to engage with social media platforms and websites without being policed, watched and dictated too. - We all knew our Charlie boy was going to be trouble...and here we are.
So, "they" now have the ability to crawl every website, every end-to-end encrypted message and file, freely, and without your permission.
Say goodbye to your privacy.
Not that we had it online with thanks to the NSA, facebook and other invasive website methods, but this now gives them an excuse to hack into your phones to see whatever they like and for any reason.
(When China was going through this reform during the 70's, these exact measures were implemented. It's almost like Xi JinPing has kept a log of every social engineering technique and noted what works and what doesn't and then sold it to the World Economic Forum. One thing that does work for the dictators in China is that if they speak out against their government, Artificial intelligence will pick it up from a listening device such as the Amazon echo dot, the wifi connected doorbells, or simply, your smart phone. The AI program sweeping these devices then alert the government and they take action. Now the government doesn't just arrive at the door for a kind chat to see if everything is ok, and then give a slap on the wrist for being slanderous, oh no.....in China, they take every single member of your family from every generation still living. They're then taken to concentration camps and never seen again. This also happens in North Korea. See what they're moving us towards?)
Yes, of course, we're all too utterly stupid to go about our daily lives without the Big Tech Giants keeping a watchful eye in case someone calls us names on an online forum.
"Thanks for sticking up for me big tech! I knew we could rely on you to keep us protected from bullys!" - Said no one ever.
What should we expect to see in the coming months?
So, for them to be able to enforce censorship and restrict websites on account of "child Safety" they will be enforcing Age Verfication biometrics, which means they will require you to use facial recognition or fingerprints to access any website they deem as "dangerous."
It is simply another way for them to attempt to enforce the digital ID, CBDC's and the social credit scoring. (Again, China and N.Korea have implemented all of these.)
If any of them get hold of your facial recognition data, then you're in danger of being locked out of services anywhere in the country and maybe even the world. It will become easier for them to restrict your travel to other countries, they only have to scan your face from a camera 20 feet above the ground where you have no idea they're lurking.
But don't worry! It's not as bad as it seems... is it?

Humans are very adaptable creatures and we always come up with a plan. Remember at school when you made up an excuse for getting out of detention?...It's not only me then..
Whilst the mainstream platforms like facebook, instagram, twitter and linkedin remain to be useful to small, independant businesses, it will become more of a minefield with more scammers, more censorship and more accounts being taken down for no apparent reason at all.
The National Wellness Org has taken this into account and has created a social media platform specifically for Health and Wellness Pracitioners, and also anyone that maybe interested in these topics.

The platform is called EudaiLife and is part of www.thenwo.co.uk website, so click the link and you'll see the name in the menu.
After you click on "EudaiLife" you will be prompted sign yourself to an area where Freedom of speech is encouraged, a safe space of warmth, like-minded conversations, fun, events, education and time well spent being in a space that you enjoy.
(It's been noted that Facebook is very demoralising, frustrating and just a really negative space to be in, so we wanted to create a warmer and more welcoming space for all of you wonderful light workers, that work so hard to keep your local communities well and happy.)
For the first 7 days you'll receive a free trial and then there's small fee of £2.99 which contributes towards growing the platform and keeping us safe from predatory governments.
In the meantime, we will do our best to keep you updated with new laws and restrictions to keep you informed on the best course of action for you and your business.
We are here to help you flourish and to help others in this weird time we're living in right now. Staying well, Staying free and Staying healthy is top priority.

Help us to help you build this wonderful community of like-minded FREE individuals.
Vibe high, Namaste.
Sam xx