Why is it 2024 and certain medical groups on social media are still unaccepting of natural medicines!?
We all know the reasons why really. None of us are naive to the propaganda machines anymore and that these groups on social media are ran and monitored by them and their own employed bots. However, the "normal" folks that reside in these groups are still absolutely unaware of how the body works, even with all the information they need right at their finger tips..and so they become part of the propaganda machine.
Like Morpheus in "The Matrix" says ...
"But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy". This refers to the minds of the people that Morpheus and his fellow agents are trying to save, but who are still part of the system and are therefore their enemies.
I was lucky enough to have experienced enough abuse in my childhood and teens that cancer grew in my 30's. I can imagine now how you're attempting to piece those events together and conclude "Cancer."
But, If like me, you studied cancer deep enough and for long enough you will fall down the rabbit hole of "energy." Then that rabbit hole leads to a whole range of areas that will absolutely consume months and months of your life, which will lead you to a more satisfactory and fulfilled life.
What follows these revelations will ultimately lead to the wanting to help others understand the true nature of the human body and how to heal it ourselves. Or rather so, prevent illness altogether, which is definitively achieveable.
The point I'm getting at here, is that no matter how polite and forthgiving you are,(on social media or not) no matter how much you want to help your fellow humans, some people just don't want it. You can tell them all about chemotherapy and name all of the chemicals they use in their "R-CHOP" concoction without knowing the true effects it has on the body and they will accept everything you say as gospel. You will capture their attention so widely that they will look upto you like a cancer guru that has all the answers. They will ask you questions they daren't even ask their own doctors and tell you their intimate stories and ailments...they want your help if you can talk about allopathic chemicals and name pharmceutical drugs...and they won't even ask you for a medical degree.....BUT
...have the audacity to recommend plant medicines such as cannabis, ayahusaca, apricot kernels, kambo...the list goes on....and all of a sudden you're a scammer, asked for a medical degree, demonised and kicked out of the group.
"oh how dare you comment on this poor mans post recommending cannabis! There's no proof cannabis cures cancer, your'e nothing but a ghoul...you're banned!"
**Bangs head on keyboard loudly**
Into social media jail I go!
The first paper to appear after a quick Google search
Cannabis kills cancer cells - This discusses THC slowing down growth, inhibiting cancer cells and more.
And here's the details for a legal NHS registered medical cannabis doctor in Derbyshire
What we have to be aware of here is that Morpheus from the Matrix was absolutely right. Some people are just not ready to be unplugged.
You see, 200 years ago the Rockefellas (One of the worlds wealthiest families) created doctors,
then they created medical research facilities,
then they created medical schools and universities,
then created medicines,
then demonised herbalists, massage therapists, any kind of holistic therapist and then they murdered them.
They dissolved any talk of energy, they rid of all free energy machines, burnt the books that spoke about healing the body using electromagnetism and the Earths life force energy.
Then they bought every family run food company and contaminated their products with harsh chemicals that poison the consumer, without telling them or by advertising that processed food is healthy!
Then they bought the media and spouted the most incredibly clever propaganda and brainwashing literature that convinced the masses that only GP's were allowed to diagnose ailments and that anyone without a medical degree is clearly too stupid to recognise a common cold or a skin rash...and these people will bluntly refuse to search on the internet (even though its literally in their hands) now, how to take responsibility for themselves and look up a simple herbal recipe to cure an ailment, or even research what causes a cold in order to prevent it.
It's a topic that really gets my goat. I'm not saying I have always been awakened to this myself. It has been one hell of a journey creating the confidence within myself to hold my hands up and say "Yep....The illness within me is caused by me and me alone and now I'm going to study how I caused it, how to heal it and how to prevent in the future." It hit me like a lead balloon in the face.....
I remember thinking to myself...."Wow...we literally have the ability to heal every part of ourselves if we create the right conditions for the body to do so."
Our body literally heals itself....
If we have a cut it heals,
if we break a bone,
it heals.
So why are many still in disbelief that if we have a bacterial infection or a virus WE can heal it ourselves?
Cognitive Dissonance?
A lack of wanting to take responsibility for ourselves?
Victim Mentality?
Either way, I predict only 30-40 more years into the future and the Pharmaceuticals will be a thing of the past...or at least, they will have lost billions due to us acknowledging the atrocities committed by them over the years and a reduction in population.
The Earths frequencies are changing and us humans can feel the subtle shifts across the lands. We are rising up and realising just how truly powerful we really are.
So let's keep this view of ourselves. Know that we're sovereign, knowing that we have the ability to crush any illness by keeping our bodies intact, fit and healthy by eating foods with no chemicals and engaging in loving activities.
We're supposed to be a species of community, of love, togetherness, spiritual connection with good levels of fitness and physical activity and growing our own organic food. So let's do it!
Alyra Beaumont
Cosmic Explorer,
Founder of the National Wellness Organisation